Wholesale Suppliers
Shop with the Aloe-Aloe Farm
Our associated business, the Aloe-Aloe farm operates a wholesale only production nursery facility at Redland Bay, growing a range of sizes of all 40 cultivars and distributing them to retail garden centers, landscapers, developers and councils across Australia.
They are registered as an approved supplier with many of these councils.
The Aloe-Aloe farm ships all 40 cultivars across Australia in a range of sizes, from 140mm pots to large feature plants in 500mm pots and ex ground. Stock is shipped daily
Email your aloe requirements to [email protected] and we will direct you to the most appropriate supplier for that variety and closest to your region- That might be a reseller or a production grower but if more appropriate we will direct your enquiry to the Aloe-Aloe farm [email protected].
You are able to contact the Aloe-Aloe farm directly by emailing [email protected] for a stocklist or by calling them on 0419 476408.
Visits to the farm are strictly by appointment only, please call 0419 476408 .
Wholesale Plant Markets and Brokers
A list of wholesale plant markets /plant brokers who source nationally and sometimes carry stock in the markets is set out below for your convenience
New South Wales
South Australia
Din San Nursery & Trade Market
370-418 Old Dandenong Road, Dingley Village
(03) 9540 5222
Western Australia
Current Aloe-Aloe production growers
So as to meet the increased demand of these Aloe-Aloe’s, the network of 17 licensed commercial growers continues to expand.
There are now independent production nurseries growing these cultivars in all states across Australia.
However most growers are not specialist aloe growers but general nurseries and grow a limited range of the 40 different Aloe-Aloe cultivars.
For information on how to source a specific cultivar from one of these independent growers in your region please email [email protected] or call us on 0419 476408 and we will direct you to the most appropriate grower of that specific cultivar in your region

New Aloe-Aloe production growers
New nurseries interested in growing Aloe-Aloe cultivars under license please contact [email protected]
Tubestock is able to be acquired for growing on under license through Mansfields Propagation http://www.mansfields.net.au
Tissue Culture is able to be acquired for growing on under license through Tissue Culture Australia http://www.tissuecultureaustralia.com.au
Plant labels are able to be acquired for all plants sold through Norwood Industries https://norwood.com.au